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Guide to a Successful TelliPage

A TelliPage is a Business Summary - Your First Impression Counts

Address: PO Box 1088 - Telli Marin
Tiburon/Belvedere, CA 94920
Phone: 415-435-1280

1,000s of people visit Telli Marin every day, over three times the number who access Yellow Pages.com. Telli Marin is the #1 site that people use for local information.

There are over 20,000 listings in Telli Marin entered in over 3,400 micro-categories including event listings, movie schedules, agents, blogs, and people working from cell phones.

Generally speaking, listings in Telli Marin with no website link, receive an average of only 2 - 4 visits per month. Listings with website links receive an average of only 4 - 8 visits per month.

However, listings on the Telli Marin Advertising Platform receive anywhere from 40 to over 500 views per month.

Google and the other major search engines access Telli Marin over 500,000 times a month to copy Telli Marin listings and place them as links on their website.

Many people go to Google to find something in Marin and then click on the Telli link to view a Telli Marin listing, category, or TelliPage. Telli Marin links usually appear near or at the top of Google's Marin search results.

Some people were not aware that they had gone from Google to Telli Marin. Some thought that Telli Marin was a Google site.

TelliPages   As you can see from the graph above, Telli Marin Users really like TelliPages. People are not clicking on website links as much as they use to because they find that visiting websites is a time consuming process.

A TelliPage represents a summary of the business or professional that is quick to review and viewers like that. (All micro-categories relating to a listing, including a location map, appear to the left of a TelliPage whether a business or professional has created a colorful TelliPage or not.) See, www.telli.com/page/microtags.

People looking for a good hair salon with specific features just wouldn't have the time to visit every hair salon with a website. But, a TelliPage provides people with a quick and simple way to assess a business or professional and decide whether or not they want to call or visit.

Telli Marin's variable search allows people to create pages of information containing only listings offering specific products and services (See, www.telli.com/page/variablesearch).

However, if a TelliPage does not excite viewers or give them enough quick details, they are out of there quickly and off to check other information on Telli Marin. Thus, a poorly designed TelliPage can sometimes discourage potential business.

For your reference, here are a few links to the TelliPages of businesses that have generated a significant amount of business from their TelliPages while being on the Telli Marin Promotional Platform. Some have websites and some do not.

Compare the above TelliPages with yours.

If you need any further information on our targeted advertising platform or assistance in creating a professionally designed TelliPage, please give me a call.

Lawrence Guinness
Telli Marin
Tiburon, CA 94920
(415) 435-1280

Or, go the the bottom of this page and click on "Telli Customer Service."