Explore California

Therapy dog: A mature woman, adorned in a hand-woven cap, nestles her head tenderly against the soft fur of an attentive therapy dog. Both share a reflective sideward glance that testifies to their profound bond.

Top therapy dog breeds: discover the best canine companions for emotional support

Therapy dogs are more than just pets; they are trained companions that offer invaluable support to individuals dealing with various challenges. Whether it’s providing comfort in hospitals, schools, or private homes, the right therapy dog breed can make a significant difference. This guide delves into the top breeds known for
Top 5 dog parks in California

Top 5 dog parks in California

Dog-friendly California unfurls its varied landscapes like a grand tapestry, from craggy coastlines to serene valleys, tailor-made for the joy of dogs and their human counterparts. We have the most dog parks of any state. This guide explores five top-rated dog parks across California, each with unique amenities and the
Bark Park in Susanville

Bark Park

Bark Park in Susanville in Lassen County, is specifically designed to cater to the needs of both large and small dogs, with two distinct areas that allow for safe, off-leash play in a controlled environment. This park is open from dawn to dusk, providing ample time for pet owners to
Shell Beach, The Sea Ranch

Shell Beach Coastal Access Trail

The Shell Beach Coastal Access Trail, part of the Sea Ranch public access areas in Sonoma County, offers a picturesque .65-mile path through pine forests and meadows, leading to a sandy beach adorned with sea rocks and tide pools. Accessible from Highway 1, this trail is suited for various activities


A pale, sandy-furred dog sits calmly on a cool, concrete surface, diligently scratching at an itchy ear with its rear leg. The discomfort arises from a common flea allergy. The details of the scene are sharply in focus, while the surroundings blend into a gentle blur capturing your attention solely on the dog and its actions.

Effective strategies to manage your dog’s flea allergies

Have you ever wondered why your furry friend is constantly scratching and licking? Chances are, they may be suffering from flea allergies! But fear not, with the right prevention methods and treatments, you can conquer those pesky flea foes and give your pup the relief they deserve!

Where to stay

Places to Stay

Hit the trail!

Golden Retriever in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Hikes and parks

Water fun

Water Fun

Enjoy time with your dog

Things to do

Find a helping hand


Where to eat

Dog at table

Food and Drink

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Website by Brandhound