Kate McDonald, LCSW

San Rafael, California

I am a therapist with over 20 years of experience in counseling individuals, couples and groups in private practice as well as in a variety of agencies.

My focus in my work includes a holistic approach to seeking recovery and a deeper level of integration within the self, the "family", organization and community.

My approach integrates a variety of theoretical approaches.  In addition to formal training and education, I have a background in dance, writing, martial arts, Qi-Gong, spiritual practice and the creative arts, which I integrate into my work with clients when appropriate.

Common Areas of Focus
Couples' Counseling Work Issues Depression and Grief
Womens' Issues Stress Recovery Addiction Recovery
Co-Dependency Recovery Mothering Family of Origin Issues
Parenting Homeschooling Creativity Development

I also provide clinical supervision to organizations on a contractual basis as well as to individuals who are working toward their MFT or LCSW license in California.

Kate McDonald, LCSW
LCS 11828
P.O. Box 6795
San Rafael, CA 94903-0795
Phone (415) 457-6569

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