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How do I add a picture to my business listing?

Add a picture to your listing so that it will stand out among other businesses featured in the same categories as you.

Note that your picture will only be displayed with your business listing if you have a TelliPage.

To add a picture to your listing:

  1. Click the My Telli button at the top of the Telli website
  2. If prompted, enter your user name and password to log in
  3. Next, click the Edit My Listing link
  4. Click the Browse button next to the picture field
  5. In the dialog box that opens, select the image (located on your computer) that you want to include and click the Open button
  6. Finally, click Save to save your new listing information
The image you upload will automatically be resized to a width of 50 pixels, and a maximum height of 50 pixels.